26 January
zabavnosti vsyakie
Gotovliys' k amerikanskomy ekzameny na prava. V Massachusetts Driver's Manual mnogo vsyakix zabavnostei nashla, naprimer:
milii takoi dorozhnii znak "scenic overlook" . Vot eshe nekotorie citati:
- There are also signs that use a red circle with a diagonal slash. These signs
mean no access or movement is allowed. When you see one, think of the word NO.
- If the animal you are passing looks scared, you must pull your vehicle to the side and
- You cannot let the bicycle be pulled by another vehicle and can only tow a bike trailer (kak oni eto sebe voobshe predstavliayt????)
- Your handlebars cannot be set at a height above your shoulders while gripping them
and you cannot extend the fork from its original manufacturer’s design